






Theme Exhibition of Ornamental Stone Culture

      Chinese people have a traditional stone culture for appreciation, enjoyment and appraisal of ornamental stones. They think that ‘the nature creates various stones in fascinating forms and people use their imaginations to give life to the nature’s creation’ and they also believe that ornamental stone art is a healthy hobby that cultivates a real appreciation of the nature and provides a source of artistic inspiration. Hence the stone culture has prospered from the past to the present.

      This room displays over one thousand pieces of ornamental stones, mostly large and medium water stones, ventifact and mountain stones. Water stone samples were collected from the higher and lower reaches of Lancang River, higher reaches of Mekong River in Yunnan, middle and lower reaches of Jinsha River and some major rivers in Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces. Samples of ventifact came from Gobi Desert and mountain stones came from East Yunnan.

      The vivid shapes of modelling stones, subtle variations of texture stones, secret scripts of special type stones, life stories of ornamental fossils and translucent luster of ornamental minerals are all represented in this collection.

      There is a super large chrysanthemum stone with a diameter of 68 centimeters. Its stamen is a brachiopod fossil aged 270 million years. It is not only wonderfully beautiful with a poetic touch but has very high value for scientific research as well. There is another piece called Man-Han Banquet of more than 200 courses of enticing ‘stone delicacies’. This is indeed a great gathering of amazing stones for eyes and minds and a forceful evidence of the greatness of nature.

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